I don't know how much any of you have heard about this, but Beijing's been doing a lot to try to control the weather and get rid of pollution lately because of the Olympics. The basics is that they've been shooting silver iodide at clouds in order to induce rain. The purpose of this at the moment is to try to get rid of pollution in the air, and the purpose of this later on will be to control when it rains during the Olympics. As such, pretty much every day since I have been here has been overcast and/or rainy. It is generally written on the weather forecast sites as "hazy," which is definitely a good word to describe it. When I first got here, I asked around, and everyone was like "Yea, there are blue skies sometimes...usually after it rains," but I had thus far only experienced 'haze'. Today, however, was apparently the exception. It was GORGEOUS with blue skies and a few clouds. I could even see stars tonight! So I took some pictures off the fire escape at the end of my hall, and this is the actual view from my hotel
It was a gorgeous day to be bicycling, playing Ultimate and just enjoying the city and life...
Do they have seasons? Are the trees deciduous?
There are actually seasons. I've heard and seen pictures of snow here in the winter, and I've been told that summer is usually like 95 degrees all the time and rains maybe 5 times. Since I've been here, all it's done is rain, and it's only been that hot two or three days. I'm pretty sure the trees are deciduous too. They don't look too different from trees in NY.
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